/* * T- Countdown v1.5.5 * http://plugins.twinpictures.de/plugins/t-minus-countdown/ * * Copyright 2015, Twinpictures * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, blend, trade, * bake, hack, scramble, difiburlate, digest and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ (function($){ $.fn.countDown = function (options) { config = {}; $.extend(config, options); targetTime = this.setTargetTime(config); //set diffSecs and launch the countdown once the ajax for now loads diffSecs = this.setDiffSecs(targetTime, options.targetDate.localtime); before = new Date(); $.data($(this)[0], 'before', before); $.data($(this)[0], 'status', 'play'); $.data($(this)[0], 'id', config.id); style = config.style; $.data($(this)[0], 'style', config.style); if ( config.event_id ) { $.data($(this)[0], 'event_id', config.event_id); $.ajax({ url: tCountAjax.ajaxurl, type : "post", dataType : "json", data: { action : 'tminusevents', event_id : config.event_id, countdownNonce : tCountAjax.countdownNonce }, success: $.proxy(function( jsonobj ) { $.data($(this)[0], 'eventObj', jsonobj); }, this) }); } if( config.launchtarget ) { $.data($(this)[0], 'launchtarget', config.launchtarget); } if (config.onComplete){ $.data($(this)[0], 'callback', config.onComplete); } if (config.hangtime){ $.data($(this)[0], 'hangtime', config.hangtime); } if (config.omitWeeks){ $.data($(this)[0], 'omitWeeks', config.omitWeeks); } $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + ' .' + style + '-digit').html('
'); return this; }; $.fn.stopCountDown = function () { $.data(this[0], 'status', 'stop'); }; $.fn.startCountDown = function () { $.data(this[0], 'status', 'play'); this.doCountDown($(this).attr('id'),$.data(this[0], 'diffSecs'), 500); }; $.fn.setDiffSecs = function (targetTime, backuptime) { var diffSecs = null; $.ajax({ url: tminusnow, type : "post", dataType : "json", success: $.proxy(function( data ) { //console.log(data['now']); nowTime = new Date(data['now']); diffSecs = Math.floor((targetTime.valueOf()-nowTime.valueOf())/1000); $(this).doCountDown($(this).attr('id'), diffSecs, 500); }, this), error: $.proxy(function( request, status, error ) { nowTime = new Date(backuptime); diffSecs = Math.floor((targetTime.valueOf()-nowTime.valueOf())/1000); $(this).doCountDown($(this).attr('id'), diffSecs, 500); }, this) }); }; $.fn.setTargetTime = function (options) { var targetTime = new Date(); if (options.targetDate){ targetTime = new Date(options.targetDate.month + '/' + options.targetDate.day + '/' + options.targetDate.year + ' ' + options.targetDate.hour + ':' + options.targetDate.min + ':' + options.targetDate.sec + (options.targetDate.utc ? ' UTC' : '')); } else if (options.targetOffset){ targetTime.setFullYear(options.targetOffset.year + targetTime.getFullYear()); targetTime.setMonth(options.targetOffset.month + targetTime.getMonth()); targetTime.setDate(options.targetOffset.day + targetTime.getDate()); targetTime.setHours(options.targetOffset.hour + targetTime.getHours()); targetTime.setMinutes(options.targetOffset.min + targetTime.getMinutes()); targetTime.setSeconds(options.targetOffset.sec + targetTime.getSeconds()); } return targetTime; }; $.fn.doCountDown = function (id, diffSecs, duration) { $this = $('#' + id); if (diffSecs <= 0){ if( $.data($this[0], 'launchtarget') != 'countup' ){ diffSecs = 0; $.data($this[0], 'status', 'stop'); } } secs = Math.abs(diffSecs % 60); mins = Math.floor(Math.abs(diffSecs/60)%60); hours = Math.floor(Math.abs(diffSecs/60/60)%24); if ($.data($this[0], 'omitWeeks') == 'true'){ days = Math.floor(Math.abs(diffSecs/60/60/24)); weeks = 0; } else{ days = Math.floor(Math.abs(diffSecs/60/60/24)%7); weeks = Math.floor(Math.abs(diffSecs/60/60/24/7)); } style = $.data($this[0], 'style'); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-seconds_dash', secs, duration ? duration : 500); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-minutes_dash', mins, duration ? duration : 1000); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-hours_dash', hours, duration ? duration : 1000); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-days_dash', days, duration ? duration : 1000); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-days_trip_dash', days, duration ? duration : 1000); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-weeks_dash', weeks, duration ? duration : 1000); $this.dashChangeTo(id, style + '-weeks_trip_dash', weeks, duration ? duration : 1000); $.data($this[0], 'diffSecs', diffSecs); //events if( $.data($this[0], 'event_id') ){ $this.checkEvent(id, diffSecs); } if (diffSecs > 0 || $.data($this[0], 'launchtarget') == 'countup'){ if($.data($this[0], 'status') == 'play'){ var delta = 0; delay = 1000; now = new Date(); before = $.data($this[0], 'before'); elapsedTime = (now.getTime() - before.getTime()); if(elapsedTime >= delay + 1000){ delta += Math.floor(1*(elapsedTime/delay)); } else{ delta = 1; } before = new Date(); $.data($this[0], 'before', before); t = setTimeout( function() { $this.doCountDown(id, diffSecs-delta); } , 1000); } } //cb = $.data($this[0], 'callback') else if ($.data($this[0], 'callback')){ if($.data($this[0], 'hangtime')){ //phone's ringing dude. } $.data($this[0], 'callback')(); } }; $.fn.dashChangeTo = function(id, dash, n, duration) { $this = $('#' + id); style = $.data($this[0], 'style'); for (var i=($this.find('.' + dash + ' .' + style + '-digit').length-1); i>=0; i--){ var d = n%10; n = (n - d) / 10; $this.digitChangeTo('#' + $this.attr('id') + ' .' + dash + ' .' + style + '-digit:eq('+i+')', d, duration); } }; $.fn.digitChangeTo = function (digit, n, duration) { if (!duration){ duration = 500; } if ($(digit + ' div.top').html() != n + ''){ $(digit + ' div.top').css({'display': 'none'}); $(digit + ' div.top').html((n ? n : '0')).stop(true, true).slideDown(duration); $(digit + ' div.bottom').stop(true, true).animate({'height': ''}, duration, function() { $(digit + ' div.bottom').html($(digit + ' div.top').html()); $(digit + ' div.bottom').css({'display': 'block', 'height': ''}); $(digit + ' div.top').hide().slideUp(10); }); } }; $.fn.checkEvent = function () { if ( ! $.data( this[0], 'eventObj' ) ) { return; } var eventObj = $.data( this[0], 'eventObj' ).tevent; for (var key in eventObj) { if (eventObj[key].hasOwnProperty('tevents_event_time') && eventObj[key]['tevents_event_time'] == $.data( this[0], 'diffSecs' ) ) { //content (even if it's blank) if (eventObj[key].hasOwnProperty('tevents_target_elem') && eventObj[key]['tevents_event_target'] == 'other') { target_elem = eventObj[key]['tevents_target_elem']; } else{ target_elem = '#' + $.data( this[0], 'id' ) + '-' + eventObj[key]['tevents_event_target']; } $(target_elem).html( eventObj[key]['tevents_event_content'] ); //function if ( eventObj[key]['tevents_event_function'] ) { var fn = window[ eventObj[key]['tevents_event_function'] ]; if(typeof fn === 'function') { fn(); } } } } } })(jQuery);